Gathering on November 8 and 9, 2019, in a crucial moment in the life of The United Methodist Church, we, 140 members present and voting from the North Central Jurisdiction’s Annual Conference delegations and the North Central Jurisdiction’s Mission Council, through honest, prayerful dialogue, discerned the following:
- We as NCJ delegations acknowledge and apologize for the harm that is being done and the escalation of potential harm that will begin January 1, 2020. We repent of the ways we have abused our privilege and the ways that it has harmed the marginalized.
- We witness the Holy Spirit moving in our midst. We witness God’s seeking, saving, healing and liberating grace at work in our communities. We renew our commitment to follow the Spirit’s leading and joining in God’s gracious work.
- We believe that God is not finished with the people called United Methodist. We renew our commitment to lead our conferences, congregations and ministry settings in “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” in just, compassionate, creative, equitable and innovative ways.
- We call NCJ laity, clergy, Annual Conferences and bishops to covenant to a moratorium on complaints, charges and trials related to officiating same gendered weddings and LGBTQIA+ identity and credentialing.
- We call NCJ laity, clergy, Annual Conferences and bishops to covenant to a moratorium on complaints, charges and trials related to officiating same gendered weddings and LGBTQIA+ identity and credentialing.
- We call laity, clergy, Annual Conferences, Boards of Ordained Ministry and bishops to covenant for greater freedom and diversity for ministry with LGBTQIA+ people.
- We will hold accountable and support laity, clergy, Annual Conferences and bishops in these commitments and calls.
- When we gather for the 2020 NCJ Conference, we desire to elect bishops who will join us in these commitments and calls.
ADOPTED November 9, 2019
80% support, 18% does not support, 2% abstain