East Ohio Next advocates for an expression of Wesleyan Methodism that allows both traditional and progressive understandings of LGBTQ+ Clergy and same-gender weddings to co-exist within the Church.
The East Ohio NEXT Leadership Team
- The Rev. Dianne Tobey Covault OSL, co-convener
- Pastor Kelsey Orosan, co-convener
- The Rev. J. Paige Boyer, communications
- Pastor Jason Hockran, events coordinator
- Dr. Martha Banks, General Conference delegate
- The Rev. Susan Brown, Jurisdictional Conference delegate
- The Rev. Dan Bryant, General Conference delegate
- The Rev. Andy Call, General Conference delegate
- Joy Fenton-Jones
- Will Fenton-Jones
- The Rev. Jared Gadomski-Littleton, alternate Jurisdictional Conference delegate
- The Rev. Laura Jaissle, alternate Jurisdictional Conference delegate
- The Rev. Allison LeBrun
- Connor Prusha, Jurisdictional Conference delegate
- Pastor Shannon Trenton